Wedding list
Order now, don't worry later.
Welcome to our Wedding list page! Our feature where you can pre-order flowers for events you have planned in the upcoming months. Because when you order now, you don't have to worry later. Click on your month to see it's availability.
Our wedding list works like a pre-order system, which many of you already know. For example, if your wedding is on Sunday, September 13, you can pre-order your flowers now through September’s Wedding List.
Fixed prices We spoke to our favorite growers and created fixed prices for you from May until September.
Availability Because with the months changing, the available products change.. That’s why the weddings list differs a bit per month. Perfect to already know what products are available in a specific month. Since flowers are natural products, weather is of influence on production. If a product is not available due to unforseen reasons, we will inform you in advance.
As fresh as it gets We made you this list in cooperation with our growers. Basically you already ‘reserve’ your wedding flowers while they are still growing in the field. As fresh as it gets.